Civil society organisations in Jamaica are calling on government agencies to involve them in the budgeting process for the forest sector, given the important contribution that CSOs are making to forest management and their on-the-ground understanding on what are the priority needs.
This call was made at a meeting of the CSO Coalition for Forests held in Kingston on September 16th, 2022, as a part of the project ‘Participatory budgeting and financial management for the forest sector in Jamaica’ which is being funded by the European Union (FED/2021/428-620). Under the project, 25 CSOs in the Coalition are working together to enhance their capacity to engage in strategic budget formulation, budget analysis and debate, budget execution and reporting, and evaluation for accountability in the forest sector.
André Fache, Programme Officer at the Delegation of the European Union to Jamaica, Belize, The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos and The Cayman Islands, told the CSOs gathered that, “You, as civil society, can be the voice and the eyes of the people of the country” to input into planning budgets, to assess implementation of budgets from the previous year, and for transparency in evaluating how well budgets are addressing priority forest issues.
Please see the attached release (and photo) for more information and for your immediate use. You may also read it here:
Photo caption: Mr. André Fache, Programme Officer at the Delegation of the European Union to Jamaica, Belize, The Bahamas, Turks and Caicos and The Cayman Islands, addresses the Civil Society Organization Coalition for Forests in a recently held workshop under the EU-funded project, “Participatory Budgeting and Financial Management for the Forest Sector in Jamaica”. Credit: JCDT